
Professional Licensure Disclosures: Determining Student Location Policy

Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness and Technology Solutions
Student policies
Effective date:
May 10, 2021
Last content update:
May 10, 2021


To ensure Minnesota State Community and Technical College is in compliance with the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations 34 CFR 668.43(a)(5)(v) and 34 CFR 668.43(c), which require disclosures for programs that lead to a professional licensure or certification necessary for employment, regardless of the program’s modality. This regulation requires institutions to determine the state in which a student is located for the purpose of disclosing if applicable program curriculum meets state-specific requirements.


Current students

Students who are currently enrolled and actively taking classes in a Minnesota State Community and Technical College educational program.

Professional licensure program

An academic program designed for or marketed as fulfilling the purpose of preparing graduates to meet the educational requirements for initial professional licensure or certification requirements of a state board. Optional certifications administered through the private sector fall outside the scope of this policy.

Prospective students

Students who have applied for admission into a Minnesota State Community and Technical College educational program but have not yet attended the first day of class and therefore do not yet have a financial commitment to the College.


Students include current students and prospective students.


Professional licensure disclosures

General public disclosures

Federal Regulation 34 CFR 668.43(a)(5)(v) requires an institution to make readily available to prospective and enrolled students information about whether programs leading to professional licensure or certification meet educational requirements. Minnesota State Community and Technical College’s public professional licensure disclosures can be found at www.443693.com/academics/professional-licensure-disclosures.

If an educational program offered by the College is designed to meet educational requirements for a specific professional license or certification that is required for employment in an occupation, or is advertised as meeting such requirements, information regarding whether completing that program would be sufficient to meet licensure requirements in a state for that occupation is required, including:

(A) A list of all states for which the institution has determined that its curriculum meets the state educational requirements for licensure or certification;

(B) A list of all states for which the institution has determined that its curriculum does not meet the state educational requirements for licensure or certification; and

(C) A list of all states for which the institution has not made a determination that its curriculum meets the state educational requirements for licensure or certification;

Direct professional licensure disclosures

A direct disclosure is required by 34 CFR 668.43(c) by the institution to the student in writing (email or letter) if the program leading to professional licensure or certification does not meet, or if it is not determined if it meets, requirements for the state in which a student is located.

Prospective students – A direct disclosure will be sent to prospective students before a financial obligation is made if a student is located in a state that does not meet, or it is not determined to meet, the state’s professional licensure requirements for employment.

Enrolled students – If a student is enrolled in a program and the institution makes a later determination that the program does not meet, or it is not determined as meeting, educational requirements for licensure or certification in the state where the student is located, the institution will provide a direct disclosure to the student within 14 calendar days of making that determination.

Student location

For the purpose of this policy, institutions must determine student location (i.e., state) in order to disclose state-specific professional licensure information:

1. At the time of the student’s initial enrollment in an educational program, and

2. Upon formal notification by the student of a change in the student’s location

All other College or Minnesota State system policies that determine Minnesota residency for the purpose of tuition assessment are not superseded by this policy.

Prospective student location

For the purpose of this policy, a prospective student’s location is the state of the prospective student’s residency at the time the student has applied for admission, intends to enroll and is then entered into the student record system. For students whose permanent address does not include a U.S. state or territory (e.g., students living outside the United States), their location will be considered the state of Minnesota.

Enrolled student location

The student location for enrolled students is the state where the enrolled student resides and is based on the permanent home address entered into the student record system. For students whose permanent address does not include a U.S. state or territory (e.g., students living outside the United States), their location will be considered the state of Minnesota.

Change of location

Student location designations will remain in effect unless and until a student officially notifies the College that their permanent address has changed. Once a student notifies the College, the date of entry will be used as the effective date of a student’s revised location for the purposes of this policy. If a student does not notify the College of a change of address and their permanent address has been end dated in the student record system because mail was returned as undeliverable, their location will be considered the state of Minnesota.



  • Students will follow the proper procedure to officially notify the College of a change in their permanent address.
  • If a student is considering relocating, they will contact their academic advisor to discuss potential specific state requirements for their program’s applicable licensure board(s) in the state where they intend to obtain a license.


  • The College will comply with federal regulation by maintaining a list of general public disclosures found at www.443693.com/academics/professional-licensure-disclosures.
  • The College will comply with federal regulations by sending direct disclosures (via mail or email) to students when applicable.
  • The College will comply with federal regulations by keeping a record of disclosures that are sent.


Policy author(s):
Steve Erickson
Katie Tysdal


DateDescription of Change

New policy to determine the state in which a student is located for the purpose of disclosing if applicable program curriculum meets state-specific professional licensure requirements.